
Rare Roasted Eye Fillet With Crunchy Raw Salad, Fresh Chilli & Lime Dressing


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Step 1

Pre-heat oven to 160°C and a frying pan to very hot.

Step 2

Season eye fillet steaks with salt and pepper and sear with a little oil in the pan for 2 minutes on each side until golden.

Step 3

Transfer to oven and cook for 3 minutes each side. For rare check for 50°C internal using a digital meat thermometer. Remove from oven and allow to rest for 5 minutes on a cooling rack and then chill in the fridge.

Step 4

For the dressing – dissolve the sugar over a gentle heat with the fish sauce and vinegar. Then cool and mix with remaining ingredients.

Step 5

Thinly slice the capsicums and carrot and shred the cabbage very finely. Mix with the other salad ingredients, vegetables and torn herbs.

Step 6

To serve – thinly slice beef and mix with vegetables and generous amount of salad dressing.

Harvey Beef
April 13, 2023
Prep Time:
Cook Time:
COOking Notes
Rare Roasted Eye Fillet With Crunchy Raw Salad, Fresh Chilli & Lime Dressing
Recipe Made With

Eye Fillet